7 benefits of oranges for pregnant mothers Let me tell you that there are plenty of good things.

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A sweet and sour citrus fruit that is refreshing when you eat it. It also has many benefits as well. Especially with mothers who are pregnant , which we will take to see that. What are the benefits of oranges for pregnant women? By certifying that you will get full benefits that you may never expect.

7 benefits of oranges for pregnant mothers Let me tell you that there are plenty of good things.

1. Boost immunity
The vitamin C in oranges will help boost immunity for both mothers and also be generous to the fetus. Because vitamin C will stimulate the function of white blood cells that are important cells in the matter of immunity. and also a stimulant to stimulate the nerves of the mother as well as increasing relaxation as well

2. Prevent cold
Oranges can help prevent colds. Because it contains vitamin C and many nutrients that will help boost immunity in the mother’s body as well. Now it’s not easy to catch a UFABET cold.

3. Help with excretion
Oranges have a lot of fiber. When eating oranges regularly, the fiber of oranges will help drag waste out of the intestines with every excretion. therefore making it better to excrete Reduce constipation problems very well. It’s also good for the intestines.

4. Help strengthen bones and teeth,
calcium, iron, beta carotene. And vitamin C in oranges will help to repair the wear and tear in the body. as well as adding strength to bones and teeth as well

5. Contains antioxidants
Anti-oxidants in oranges help the body produce collagen. As a result, the mother and the baby in the womb have good skin. Especially mothers who will have bright skin without dryness. and also look younger than their age Including wound healing, whether through spontaneous delivery or surgery It will help to recover faster as well.

6. Prevent narrowing of blood vessels.
Vitamin C in oranges will help prevent narrowing of the coronary arteries. Prevents scurvy and prevents narrowing of the arteries in the heart, helping to strengthen the capillary walls. Not only the mother but also the baby in the womb

7. Help reduce cholesterol.
Orange peels are also useful. because it can help reduce cholesterol for mothers which may be made into orange peel jam, eaten with bread is not less delicious and in addition, the smell of orange peel It can also help relieve dizziness.

There are many benefits of oranges. Therefore, during pregnancy, oranges should be eaten as snacks. will help the mother to have a strong health And help nourish the baby in the womb quite well